So everyone is shocked - shocked, I tell you - that a young, multimillionaire, attractive celebrity athlete with lots of travel and interaction with the entertainment industry hasn't been 100% monogamous with his wife at every opportunity.
I'm not trying to be insensitive. It sucks for her. From the bit of information about all of this I haven't been able to block out by changing the subject, or the channel, quickly enough, it sounds like he was lying to her about it, etc., etc.
But for the rest of us...seriously? The guy is a golfer. Even if we pretend that golfing is an actual sport worth following and watching for a second, his sexuality really has nothing to do with anything. As far as I know, he's not a hypocrite going around being holier-than-thou. He doesn't seem to be a glass-house-dwelling stone-thrower. I don't remember him ever pretending to be a role model. None of the people who have or are rumored to have been interacting with his dick are interesting in themselves or are people anyone has heard of or cares about.
Must be a slow news month...